Year: 2020

Ιστορικό - Όλα χωρίς λεφτά


Panagiotis Kotsovolos’ small store in central Athens, on Aristidou Street, quickly won the esteem and trust of the public. Consumers could use payment plans to purchase products such as radios and stoves, which are considered necessary equipment for every modern household after the gradual electrification of Greece.
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With ‘Prattein’ we are showing our philosophy on a better life for the whole of society through everyone’s active participation. We gather together all the actions we implement for society as a whole, from simply sponsoring a foundation, to our largest volunteer action, the ‘Good Deed Day’! In that framework, the company has chosen to […]
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Supporting NGOs

Στο πλαίσιο της πλατφόρμας εταιρικής υπευθυνότητας «Πράττειν» της ΚΩΤΣΟΒΟΛΟΣ, η εταιρία έχει επιλέξει τη σταθερή συνεργασία με τέσσερις Μη Κυβερνητικές Οργανώσεις οι οποίες αποτελούν και τους βασικούς κοινωνικούς εταίρους της.
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Good Deed Day

‘Good Deed Day’ is our company’s largest volunteer action. On one Sunday every year, all Kotsovolos employees have the opportunity to join forces and help those in need. We support bodies and create ties with local communities, and dedicate a day of joy to ourselves.μέρα χαράς στους εαυτούς μας!
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second home

‘A washing machine may become too small for a family that has gained another member, however it might be large enough for a family that washes clothes by hand”. The ‘Second Home for the appliance you don’t need’ programme was created with the through that an old appliance that still functions, but which doesn’t cover […]
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actions for the environment

We are fully conscious and respectful of the environment, so we try with small and larger actions to contribute to the protection of our planet. Every Kotsovolos store is an electrical device recycling centre, and with our customers we have created a system to make it all happen more easily. We have recycled more than […]
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actions for employees

We want our employees to feel happy at work, to be healthy, to be able to express their views, and have room to evolve. That is why we have created the BETTER ME BETTER TEAM programme, which includes actions such as: A special counselling line for a personalised nutrition programme, ‘Healthy breakfast days’ on which […]
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